The plans that people from different disciplines experience during the pandemic process.
We had to adapt more to the limits of the spaces we live in, while all our plans have changed and become uncertain in this period when we have been confined to our homes for about two months. Individual and social norms that were previously formed by ourselves and the society also got their share from this adaptation. In this period, the already existing produced virtual boundaries became more evident with the physical limitations that developed as a necessity. Our changing daily life/plans are trapped within the visible limits of the plans of our homes. This situation naturally transformed our perception of space as well as the subject-object relationship we establish with the spaces we live in.
As Colomina said, “Architecture is not just a platform that accommodates the seeing subject. It is a seeing mechanism that produces the subject. It precedes and surrounds what is in it.”
People who interests art and architecture.
Our Plan is to make our borders visible, which we do not have the right to choose.In this project, we wanted to bring together both the borders we live in and the works done within these borders in order to keep a record of the current.
By combining the plan drawing technique, which is frequently used in the discipline of architecture, with the field of visual arts, we set out to recreate it with our own forms of expression. Within the scope of the project, you are requested to produce your boundaries in plan format in your own style and support them with text if you deem necessary. Your plan, which you send to planartproject@gmail.com, will be published on our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/planartproject/

Limits, Aynur Tıkıroğlu
It's been 61 days. My isolation continues in 3 different places in two cities. I find myself constantly motivating myself in the sleep-food-production triangle. When I was working on the subject of the closed border in the room, I realized how narrow my borders were. The expression that questioning borders is also a violation of borders rings in my ears. It's been 61 days. I always draw neighborhoods on the windows of the houses I stay in. Neighborhoods I can't get out of.

Division, Mine Atalay
There are no plants in the house. Concrete everywhere. I'm on the third floor, "there is no earth" contrary to my soul. four wall bedrooms; sleep- wake- sleep - wake up... Kitchen; eat - wash dishes - eat - wash - eat - wash... And one of the most used toilets. We all realized that we didn't notice these before the quarantine. Another thing we're starting to realize is that as human beings, we have no other skills than basic needs and just trying to survive. Generative minds are looking for healthy ways to interact. We have switched to being online all the time because it is always a state of communication and the state of touching someone is very attractive. We continue by exaggerating the saying “Look, I produced it too”.
This is one of our needs.

Untitled, Derya Damla İdi
We have always lived within the limits set for us. There were always limits, lines and rules. New ones have been added to these borders, the number of rules has increased, the lines that do not bother us in the past and that we stretch from time to time – that we ignore – became visible. We got used to it...

Untitled, Serhat Erdem
I was stuck.. I was on my way to the exit. It turns out that I was in a spiritual quarantine when I thought I was actually free. The fact that the quarantine we are currently experiencing has closed all the exits has shown other exits. Out again...

Untitled, Ece Güleç
The dilemma created by the state of being outside, while revealing the charm of what is outside the walls, also revealed the danger before my eyes. While being outside was something that was both desired and feared, the walls gave both confidence and boredom.